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Our SUPERFOOD blends are 100% RAW and pure with ZERO added flavors, sweeteners, fillers or binders. The ingredients are ethically and sustainably sourced and are of the highest quality. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Push Back on GMO's

It's about time.  The large chemical companies and mega-farms have been litigious toward family farms for decades, trying to force them to use their products and their genetically modified seeds.


Friday, 23 December 2011

Healthy Holiday Eggnog

Here is a great recipe for healthy holiday eggnog that makes a perfectly luscious, decadent base for your morning GoGo:

• 2 eggs
• 4 cups soymilk (or any milk or milk substitute)
• 2 tablespoons honey or 2 tablespoons sugar substitute
• 1 teaspoon vanilla (or to taste)
• 1 teaspoon cinnamon (or to taste)
• 1 teaspoon nutmeg (or to taste)
• 1 teaspoon ground cloves (or to taste)
• 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice (optional)
Place all in a blender, mix and enjoy. I make mine in my Vitamix and blend for 5 minutes as this cooks the egg. Raw egg is fine if you are lucky enough to be able to buy really nice, fresh eggs.
You can easily modify the recipe to make more, just keep the 1 egg : 2 cups soymilk ratio.
Add GoGo and ENJOY! ~Debbie~

Thursday, 22 December 2011

The skinny on Cacao

Raw Cacao is the highest known source of anti-oxidants by a factor of almost 5! It has nearly 20 times the antioxidant levels of red wine and up to 30 times what is found in green tea! A laboratory test known as ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) was developed by USDA researchers at Tufts University to rate the antioxidant levels of fruits and vegetables. Here are the results of Raw Organic Cacao. You'll also notice many of our other ingredients waaaay up high on the scale. Jump Up and GoGo in berry juice pretty much has it all covered!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Some Hard Cold Truth

Re-posted from "Food Matters" Vitamin and mineral supplementation continues to be a contentious issue amongst health professionals. The common catch-cry of the medical community is that vitamins and minerals are adequately available from our food. It’s hard to appreciate the credibility of this advice, when it is delivered from a profession that receives negligible nutrition training.
The inconvenient reality is that food ‘ain’t what it used to be. The marvel of modern agriculture has robbed our soils of essential minerals and consequently, our plants are deficient in these nutrients also. As natural health expert Charlotte Gerson explains; plants need over fifty vitamins and minerals, yet our abused and overused soils only typically receive phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. If our plants are vitamin and mineral deficient and our bodies cannot manufacture these essential compounds, where else are we supposed to obtain them from?
Whilst sustainable agricultural practices such as biodynamic farming aim to restore our soils to health, we have considerable work to do before this option is universally adopted and available to everyone. In the interim, most of us are opting to eat as best we can however the majority of people fail to eat even the bare minimum required fruit and vegetable servings. This is a tad worrying when you consider that even those who do are probably also missing key nutrients. Importantly, supplementation is not a substitute for a healthy diet. But until we can replenish our soils and eat produce freshly picked in season, supplementation can be a tool to atone for the shameful lack in our foods.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Join Andrew Saul in Video 4 - Take Control


If you feel you have ANY health issues and want a more natural cure than taking tons of pills this series of videos will change your life.  I have been using Niacin to replace anti-depressants I was on for 20 years and have never looked back. ~ Debbie

"We have now discussed the amazing journey from processed foods to whole food in video 1 'Food Options', from whole food to organic food in video 2 'Organics' and the power of adding superfoods into your diet. Then we talked about the importance of detoxifying your body from the chemicals in our food and environment in Video 3 'Detoxification'.

What’s next you might ask? Now we are going to talk about the importance of your ‘mind set’ for getting your health on track. So often when faced with an illness or important health decision we turn over our power to doctors, pharmacologists, surgeons and other health professionals.

It is important that you receive proper health advice however we believe that your body is worthy of good care and that nobody is more suitably qualified to take care of it than yourself. As David Wolfe says in the ‘Food Matters’ film... ‘The best doctor... the best nutritionist in the world... is YOU!’

How empowering! You can now understand why my father Roy, after watching these videos, was able to have the information, motivation and confidence he needed to heal himself and get off his medications. It was these very videos that helped him make the shift to abundant health.

This same knowledge and information applies equally if not more so to leading a healthy life, protecting yourself and family from disease and creating a ripple effect of wellness within your family and community."

Join Charlotte Gerson in Food Matters Video 3 - Detoxification

http://www.foodmattersmastery.com/fe/18041-3-detoxification   This awesome, grand lady has really perfected the "detox".  I really enjoyed this one and there is SO MUCH great info.

"In the last video we showed you the importance of seeking fruit and vegetables in their most natural, original REAL state. Amazing again how a small decision between organic and non organic can take your health to a completely different place! Just because it looks like a tomato doesn’t mean it is a real tomato. You will never turn back after enjoying the amazing taste and nutrition of real organic foods.
Now let’s take your health to another level. Since the early 1940’s we have created over 75,000 synthetic chemicals and released them wholesale into the environment. They are in our food, they are in our air, they are in the oceans, they have contimanted every creature on earth... and they are in us. Recent studies have shown that there are over 200 chemicals found in the blood of the umbilical cord of new born babies.

Never before in the history of the world have we been exposed to so many chemicals. In this video with Charlotte Gerson we are going to hear about the incredible discovery of the ‘Gerson Therapy’ for detoxifying and healing our bodies and the amazing results you can expect to see!"

The second Food Matters Video

http://www.foodmattersmastery.com/fe/17952-2-organics  This is really eye opening!!!

"In the previous video 'Food Options' with David Wolfe we explored the relationship that every mouthful of food has on our health. Decision by decision we are getting closer or further away from health. Once you have shifted from Packaged foods to fruit and vegetables you are already ‘stacking the cards in your favour’. By turning your back on packaged foods you have already eliminated years of wrong decisions! You have removed hundreds of toxins entering your system. Your taste buds are changing. Your body can finally start craving nutrition - not just being hungry.
Now lets take it to another level. Organic, non genetically modified, fully ripened, non-processed foods. Now you have moved into the Fruit and Vegetable section of the food stores! Well done! You must now understand that most bulk produced fruit and vegetables have not been left to fully ripen before being picked. They also have been grown in mass, therefore grew in nutritionally depleted soil, sprayed with pesticides to repel insects and some picked green and ‘gas ripened’ to get that ‘ripe colour’. Some fruit and vegetables are even genetically modified so their DNA repels insects and avoids frost. Amazing really...

This is the result of a major agriculture industry transporting our food 1000’s of miles for days or even weeks on trains, planes and ships all over the world. How clean was the dirt, air and water where this food was grown? All this goes into the fruit and vegetables you are eating. Although this is better than processed and fast food we can avoid all these toxins also.
Introducing - Organic Foods! Farmers who pass very strict tests can be certified organic. Their soil and water are free from pesticides, therefore their food is REAL food. In this interview we listen to Doctor Ian Brighthope talk about the importance of real organic foods, the problems with our modern agriculture systems and the relationship between trace elements in the soil and heart health."

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

A GREAT video!!


Watch this to get the skinny on SUPERFOODS.  This video thoroughly explains why our bodies NEED these! David Wolfe is a world renowned expert on this subject.

"Eating has such an amazing influence on each and every on of us. Every day we seek and consume at least 3 meals. With each meal we are determining our short term and long term mental and physical state. Most people do not realize that with every single mouthful they are going in one of two ways. Either getting closer or further away from health!... Think about that.

Mouthful by mouthful you are deciding. Simple decisions, which may not seem significant individually, end up leading you to a completely different level of health. For example if you were driving your car. At every crossroad if you chose left rather than right, you would end up at a completely different destination. After 10 decisions you are miles apart... Now apply that to a lifetime of food choices! Years and years of decisions. Processed, packaged foods vs fruit and vegetables. Fake food vs real food. No nutrition vs real nutrition.

In this interview we listen to David Wolfe talk about the power of real food choices and the major impact that this can have on our life. Let us know what you think below. Keep an eye out in your inbox for a link to our next video with Dr. Ian Brighthope where we explore the power of Organic food."