"In the previous video 'Food Options' with David Wolfe we explored the relationship that every mouthful of food has on our health. Decision by decision we are getting closer or further away from health. Once you have shifted from Packaged foods to fruit and vegetables you are already ‘stacking the cards in your favour’. By turning your back on packaged foods you have already eliminated years of wrong decisions! You have removed hundreds of toxins entering your system. Your taste buds are changing. Your body can finally start craving nutrition - not just being hungry.
Now lets take it to another level. Organic, non genetically modified, fully ripened, non-processed foods. Now you have moved into the Fruit and Vegetable section of the food stores! Well done! You must now understand that most bulk produced fruit and vegetables have not been left to fully ripen before being picked. They also have been grown in mass, therefore grew in nutritionally depleted soil, sprayed with pesticides to repel insects and some picked green and ‘gas ripened’ to get that ‘ripe colour’. Some fruit and vegetables are even genetically modified so their DNA repels insects and avoids frost. Amazing really...
This is the result of a major agriculture industry transporting our food 1000’s of miles for days or even weeks on trains, planes and ships all over the world. How clean was the dirt, air and water where this food was grown? All this goes into the fruit and vegetables you are eating. Although this is better than processed and fast food we can avoid all these toxins also.
Introducing - Organic Foods! Farmers who pass very strict tests can be certified organic. Their soil and water are free from pesticides, therefore their food is REAL food. In this interview we listen to Doctor Ian Brighthope talk about the importance of real organic foods, the problems with our modern agriculture systems and the relationship between trace elements in the soil and heart health."
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