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Our SUPERFOOD blends are 100% RAW and pure with ZERO added flavors, sweeteners, fillers or binders. The ingredients are ethically and sustainably sourced and are of the highest quality. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The Truth About Whey Protein

WIKIPEDIA  -  Whey is left over when milk coagulates and contains everything that is soluble from milk. It is a 5% solution of lactose in water, with some minerals and lactalbumin.[7] It is removed after cheese is processed
A significant portion of the population experiences severe digestive issues following consumption
of whey protein powder. These may include gas, bloating, cramps, tiredness, weakness, fatigue,
headaches, and irritability. The cause of these digestive problems has not yet been determined.

In the world of protein, nothing is necessarily what it first seems. It doesn't matter how "good" a protein is if you can't eat it, it is not bioavailable or causes significant health issues.

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) estimates that 30 to 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant. These are people who cannot digest lactose, the sugar found in dairy products.
Dairy products and whey are the primary culprits for triggering allergic responses.  A question worth considering is how many people are actually allergic to dairy and whey?
  • ·         1-3% outright
  • ·         60-70% generate extra mucous and feel bloated after eating dairy
  • ·         Approaching 100% suffer from mild systemic inflammation after eating dairy
Whey protein can be a major factor in promoting intestinal toxemia which occurs when undigested whey enters the small intestine causing the growth of intestinal bacteria and yeast fermentation. Prolonged toxemia may be a contributing factor in the onset of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn's Disease.  Why?
  • ·         Contains NO FIBER
  • ·         Is highly processed
  • ·         Contains no live enzymes
  • ·         Is very acid forming,
  • ·         Lowers the pH of the normally alkaline environment of the intestinal tract
  • ·         Favors the growth of unfriendly bacteria over beneficial bacteria.

The Truth About Superfoods

Superfoods are both a food and a medicine and allow us to get more nutrition with less eating. They are vibrant, nutritionally dense foods that have become widely available and offer tremendous dietary and healing potential.
·         Create an environment in your body in which toxins, microbes, and disease causing organisms are flushed out
·         Provide highly important live enzymes, minerals, and vitamins in their purest form
·         As you add more superfoods into your life, your body will crave less the unhealthy foods you might have previously eaten

It is essential that the superfoods be raw and they must be organic as well:
·         Cooking foods destroys the enzymes
·         Prevents overall nutrient destruction
·         Free of harmful chemical toxins
·         free from irradiation

Superfoods boast specific, unique, concentrated levels of  antioxidants, minerals, enzymes and bioavailable  proteins.

Supplements may be natural food derivatives like Jump Up and GoGo or laboratory manufactured like whey protein supplements.

Jump Up and GoGo superfood supplement:
·         High in fiber
·         Raw, unprocessed
·         Nutrient dense
·         Supports healthy digestion
·         Supports auto immune function
·         Contains 22+ vitamins and minerals

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Our Ingredients

All of our ingredients are raw, natural and certified organic.  I feel that using "ORGANIC" ingredients is extremely important.  The certification assures us that we are not consuming a chemical laden product, enabling us to have complete confidence that GoGo will nourish and enervate us and that it's really, really good for us.  All ingredients are obtained from "ethically produced" sources.  We are striving to be as conscientious as possible, to provide a superior product and to have you get healthy along with us.

Raw Cacao - (Not in Bow Wow and GoGo)Yeah Cacao!! A word of warning before we start however, most cocoa powder and commercial chocolate is processed via the "Dutch method" meaning it is subjected to scorching temperatures of up to 150°C with the additional aid of solvents, thus destroying most of the nutrients and antioxidants. Be sure to attain certified organic raw cacao in a powder, nib or whole bean form as the temperature will have never been allowed to exceed 40°C thus allowing all the heat-sensitive vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to remain intact. Raw cacao beans contain possibly the world's most concentrated source of antioxidants found in any food. They also extremely high in magnesium which has been found to be the most common deficient major mineral even following a balanced diet. For those concerned with not getting enough iron it should be pleasing to know that one small 28 gram serving of raw cacao beans gives 314% of the recommended daily allowance of iron. And if that is not enough raw cacao beans have an antioxidant (ORAC) score of 95,500. To put that into perspective, that is 14 times more flavonoids (antioxidants) than red wine and 21 times more than green tea

Acai Berry Powder -What is known about the Acai berry fruit health benefits, backed by scientific research into the fruits properties, is quite substantial.  Acai is a rich source of anthocyanins and other phenolics and phyto-nutrients. Acai berries are amongst the most nutritious foods of the Amazon, rich in B vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Acai also contains oleic acid (omega-9), a beneficial fatty acid.

Goji Berry - Immunodeficiencies combined with a weak antioxidant defense system are the primary causes of illness. Since the animal's body is constantly bombarded by free radicals it is virtually impossible for the antioxidant defense system to be consistently at peak performance. To a great degree, immune activity is aided by antioxidants.  Antioxidants are substances that act as shields or barriers to prevent the invading free radicals from doing harm to cells. Antioxidants not only increase the number of white blood cells it also enhances antibody formation. The only logical solution is to help the ailing antioxidant defense system through the use of antioxidants.  Goji berries are a goldmine of highly bioactive polysaccharides.

Just as the goji berry has been shown to have remarkable protective and disease-fighting abilities in the human body, it benefits the health of your pet by helping to normalize and balance his/her vital immune function. More than 40 years of research – on humans and animals – have revealed its ability to regulate immunity by commanding and controlling many of the body’s important defense functions.
The goji berry contains 500 times more vitamin C by weight than an orange, contains over 20 trace minerals such as iron, copper, calcium and zinc, and are the richest source of carotenoids, including beta–carotene (with more beta carotene than even carrots), in the world.  In another animal study, it was found that the goji berries polysaccharides converted food into energy more readily and helped to reduced body weight. Also, its polysaccharides have been shown to help balance blood sugar and insulin response.

Hemp PowderHemp is a better source of all required proteins than milk, meat or eggs. Hemp is a complete protein source - more balanced & digestible than soy. It is unique with over 90% unsaturated, omega, and essential fats. It contains all the essential or omega fats required for cellular health and several times more omega 3 essential fat than any fish. Hemp is rich with vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It restores tissue elasticity, improves circulation and reduces inflammation.  
 One of the main reasons you might choose hemp powder is its high protein content. Hemp protein is among the most digestible protein available. Your body readily uses the protein, utilizing it for tissue, muscle and hormone formation. Protein is also used to form blood; hemp protein specifically contains two blood building proteins--edistin and albumin. Approximately 65 percent of the protein in hemp seeds is from edistin. Hemp protein is also an excellent source of essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Amino acids help to form brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine.  One of the most beneficial qualities of hemp protein is its natural balance of essential fatty acids, or EFAs. Other seed proteins, such as flax, provide you with only one type of EFA, omega-3 fatty acids. While this EFA is important and may have a variety of health benefits, it also needs to be balanced with omega-6 fatty acids. Hemp protein provides a balance of these EFAs. Powdered hemp seeds contain omega-6 and omega-3's in a ratio of 3:1

Wheatgrass Powder - Wheat grass has been used as a food supplement since the 1930's. It provides an excellent source of beta-carotene, vitamin K, folic acid, calcium, iron, protein, and fiber, vitamin C, many of the B vitamins, and contains a variety of blood-building factors. It is very safe for children over two years of age. If taken in powder form, begin with a small quantity. 1/4 to 1/2 a teaspoon daily is an appropriate dose. 
  • Has as much vitamin C as citrus fruits
  • Is as high in vitamin A as dark green lettuce or carrots
  • Is a good source of B-vitamins (including laetrile)
  • Contains all the minerals found in healthy soil, over 100, including:
    Calcium, Iron, Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium
  • And also includes a variety of trace minerals such as:
    Selenium and Zinc
  • Has all eight essential amino acids, "the building blocks of proteins." Proteins are necessary to carry out thousands of bodily functions and are needed to create any protein-based parts of the body, like hair and nails.
  • Is high in enzymes found only in living foods.
  • Contains the simple sugar glucose which accounts for its sweet taste
  • Is composed of nearly 70% fresh chlorophyll—condensed sun energy and the world's most effective body protector and healer.
Maca - is approximately 10 percent protein. The protein in maca contains twenty amino acids and seven of the eight essential amino acids. Although not a complete protein, it is an excellent source of hormone precursors and amino acids. It has a lipid content of about 2.2 percent which includes linolenic acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acid and is also a good source of sterols. Sterols have been shown to have immune enhancing properties.
Maca is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, sodium, and iron and is also a great source of the trace minerals zinc, copper, selenium, iodine, bismuth, manganese, silicon, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, and vitamin E.  Maca powder seems to be fine to give to children – It is viewed as a high nutrient superfood which supports hormonal function through nourishing the endocrine system. It has no direct effect on the hormones and supports appropriate hormonal function and development and has no known side effects etc.
Benefits for children:                           
  • Helps to improve levels of concentration 
  • Promotes mental clarity 
  • Beneficial effects on osteoporosis and the adrenal gland
Bee Pollen - (Not in Play Hard and GoGo) Bee pollen is collected by bees from flowering plants and formed into granules. Bee pollen is the most complete food found in nature and has five to seven times more protein than beef. It is especially beneficial for the extra nutritional and energy needs of athletes and those recovering from illness. It is a natural antidote for fighting allergies particulary hayfever and sinusitus. Research shows that pollen counteracts the signs of aging and increases both mental and physical capability.

Spirulina - (BowWow and GoGo only) Spirulina is a cultivated micro-algae which has been consumed for thousands of years by the indigenous peoples in Mexico and Africa. It is one of the highest known protein sources on Earth and contains 70% complete protein, towering over steak which consists of only 25% protein once cooked. Studies have shown that spirulina can help control blood sugar levels and cravings thus making it a key food for diabetics, and can be used to assist in weight loss and as a general nutritional supplement.

~ Debbie~

A Journey to Good Health Begins

We are not legally allowed to make medical claims. This is my story and mine alone.   Both in the USA and Canada the governments view of nutritional supplements is.... let's say....skeptical and both countries' laws are a confusing labyrinth of red tape.  Alternative methods of healing and living are still far from mainstream and to this I say "I call baloney"!.  A few years ago when my Mom was diagnosed with cancer I asked her doctor about supplements and got nothing but a blank stare.

I watched Food Matters a while ago and something that was said really struck a chord with me.  This is a paraphrase, but basically the idea was that we have become conditioned to look at our health issues as "one problem, one pill".  If you have diabetes, take this pill, if you also have high blood pressure take that pill, ad nauseum.  When we use nutritional supplements we are boosting our WHOLE system and each component of each ingredient in the supplement helps in many, many ways and not just the "one" that prescription medication does.  That made sense to me.

This combination of products, along with a vitamin regimen, have changed my life.  I mix the powdered supplement with freshly homemade juice along with coconut/flax/soy/rice milk...whatever is available.  I drink it every morning, take my vitamins and feel much, much better than I have in YEARS.

I'm baring my medical soul here, but here goes.  I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, was on anti-depressants for almost 20 years, was 80 pounds overweight, had dozens of minor allergies that caused rashes and was borderline diabetic.  After the first 8 weeks I  lost 26 pounds, my blood pressure is normalized, my cholesterol went from 9 to 1.7, I went OFF the anti-depressants, I didn't need allergy pills and my borderline diabetes levels dropped to the low-normal range.
I feel like I have my life back.  Before I started this regimen I had a full course of lab tests done and then had them again after 6 weeks.  My medical doctor who is definitely NOT a proponent of vitamins and supplements asked how I had accomplished all of this because he had a few pounds to lose. HA!

If life is a journey I want it to be on a long, long road.
