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Our SUPERFOOD blends are 100% RAW and pure with ZERO added flavors, sweeteners, fillers or binders. The ingredients are ethically and sustainably sourced and are of the highest quality. Enjoy!!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

A Journey to Good Health Begins

We are not legally allowed to make medical claims. This is my story and mine alone.   Both in the USA and Canada the governments view of nutritional supplements is.... let's say....skeptical and both countries' laws are a confusing labyrinth of red tape.  Alternative methods of healing and living are still far from mainstream and to this I say "I call baloney"!.  A few years ago when my Mom was diagnosed with cancer I asked her doctor about supplements and got nothing but a blank stare.

I watched Food Matters a while ago and something that was said really struck a chord with me.  This is a paraphrase, but basically the idea was that we have become conditioned to look at our health issues as "one problem, one pill".  If you have diabetes, take this pill, if you also have high blood pressure take that pill, ad nauseum.  When we use nutritional supplements we are boosting our WHOLE system and each component of each ingredient in the supplement helps in many, many ways and not just the "one" that prescription medication does.  That made sense to me.

This combination of products, along with a vitamin regimen, have changed my life.  I mix the powdered supplement with freshly homemade juice along with coconut/flax/soy/rice milk...whatever is available.  I drink it every morning, take my vitamins and feel much, much better than I have in YEARS.

I'm baring my medical soul here, but here goes.  I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, was on anti-depressants for almost 20 years, was 80 pounds overweight, had dozens of minor allergies that caused rashes and was borderline diabetic.  After the first 8 weeks I  lost 26 pounds, my blood pressure is normalized, my cholesterol went from 9 to 1.7, I went OFF the anti-depressants, I didn't need allergy pills and my borderline diabetes levels dropped to the low-normal range.
I feel like I have my life back.  Before I started this regimen I had a full course of lab tests done and then had them again after 6 weeks.  My medical doctor who is definitely NOT a proponent of vitamins and supplements asked how I had accomplished all of this because he had a few pounds to lose. HA!

If life is a journey I want it to be on a long, long road.


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